Campus Reports

Community engagement archived reports

The Office of Community Engagement (OCE) was launched in January 2015 as a priority within the IUPUI Strategic Plan. OCE was charged with developing a strategic approach to community engagement that would coordinate, evaluate, promote, celebrate, and assess the impact of IU Indianapolis student, faculty, and staff engagement activities. 

As a collective and on behalf of the campus, OCE is committed to cultivating knowledge, relationships, and resources through collaborations that contribute to healthy and vibrant communities; foster mutual growth, equity, and social justice; strengthen our commitment to democratic engagement; advance university and campus goals; and prepare civic-minded graduates and professionals.

The 2015 IUPUI Community Engagement Report was developed to assist campus administrators and schools in understanding the type and levels of engagement of IUPUI (now IU Indianapolis) students, faculty, staff, and alumni and to plan responses to new campus annual reporting guidelines for AY 2015–2016.

CSL archived reports

CSL PRAC archived reports

Service learning is a course or competency-based, credit-bearing educational experience in which students a) participate in an organized service activity that meets identified community needs, b) reflect on the service activity in such a way as to gain further understanding of course content and a broader appreciation of the discipline, and c) gain an enhanced sense of civic responsibility.

Robert Bringle and Julie Hatcher (1995)