Review campus reports to see what impact the center, IU Indianapolis, and our partners are having. You can also join our email lists below to receive weekly service opportunities and bi-weekly faculty and staff professional development opportunities.
Partnerships and projects
Email lists
Service opportunities
This weekly e-newsletter gives you up-to-date information on volunteer opportunities on campus and connects you with various opportunities to serve the Indianapolis community.
Community-engaged faculty and staff
Sign up for this email list to stay informed on topics such as:
- Funding opportunities
- Professional development opportunities, including workshops, conferences, and award nominations and applications
- Other CSL faculty development programs
- Policies regarding service learning course tagging
- Campus-level information about service, research, and impact
Subscribe to join the Community-Engaged Faculty and Staff email list.
Share your story
We want to know how you affected a community and how service affected you. How are you helping people and communities in need? How has your involvement with CSL changed you? Please share your story at