Reflecting campus priorities to support equitable access to engaged learning for all students, the Institute for Engaged Learning (IEL) will focus the 2025–2026 academic year funding support on increasing, improving, and sustaining service learning and civic engagement (SLCE) initiatives that are implemented within the curriculum. Given this priority, we seek new and veteran faculty dedicated to either implementing SLCE in new ways or deepening and transforming their SLCE in credit-bearing experiences. For applications that meet these criteria, the IEL will offer support through additional funding streams, communities of practice, and online resources, in addition to providing faculty with student employees to support their work through the Community Engagement Internship (CEI) program.
Service Learning and Civic Engagement (SLCE) courses and curriculum initiative
Application categories and criteria
This category applies to faculty who are new to the IU Indianapolis campus in the last two years or are implementing SLCE for the first time in a particular course or academic program on the IU Indianapolis campus.
Faculty in the new SLCE faculty category will receive a $1,200 stipend to participate in professional development workshops and/or a Community of Practice (CoP) (approximately 8–10 meetings) that support the development of the SLCE course or curriculum. They will also receive funding to hire a student CEI to assist with SLCE course implementation.
Total award: $3,240 or $5,480 (depending on the number of semesters)
[1 student at $14/hour x 10 hours a week x 16-week semester for either one or two semesters (fall/spring)]
Faculty in this category have overseen or taught SLCE courses for at least two years and desire to implement SLCE in a new course or program, OR desire to deepen, transform, or improve civic engagement experiences in courses or curriculum that have previously been developed.
Faculty in the veteran SLCE faculty category will receive a $1,200 stipend to participate in professional development workshops and/or a Community of Practice (CoP) (approximately 8–10 meetings) to strengthen existing courses or curriculum. They will also receive funding to hire a student CEI to assist with course implementation.
Total award: $3,240 or $5,480 (depending on the number of semesters)
[1 student at $14/hour x 10 hours a week x 16-week semester for either one or two semesters (fall/spring)]
SLCE faculty team (up to three people): This category applies to intra- or interdepartmental teams of faculty who plan to engage in collective conversations to transform a set of courses or an academic program curriculum to integrate SLCE best practices.
Faculty teams in the SLCE faculty team category will receive $750 each in stipend support to participate in ongoing workshops and/or a Community of Practice (CoP) (approximately 8–10 meetings) to strengthen existing courses or curriculum. They will receive funding to hire up to two CEI's to support course or curriculum implementation.
Total award: Up to $11,210 (depending on number of faculty, number of CEI's, and number of semesters)
[1 student at $14/hour x 10 hours a week x 16-week semester for either one or two semesters (fall/spring)]
Applicant/SLCE faculty requirements
To successfully meet the expectations of the program and remain eligible for future funding, faculty awardees will be required to:
- Attend required faculty development workshops/CoP meetings with the IEL in the 2025–2026 academic year, demonstrating growth and progress of SLCE course or curriculum development
- Complete regular progress reports as requested by the IEL (December, May) to ensure future funding transfers (transfer of funds will occur monthly)
- Attend an orientation session hosted by the IEL for new faculty, or a program refresh for veteran faculty, before hiring student CEI's
- Engage as a supportive, developmental supervisor of a student CEI, with timely approval of timesheets, prompt responses to communication from the IEL, and proactive conversations about any issues that occur
- Lead a midyear developmental conversation with the student CEI before the end of the funding cycle
- Offer support and mentorship for the CEI's demonstration of learning project (ePortfolio for showcase or artifact presentation at end-of-year Engaged Learning event)
Processes and deadlines:
- March 22, 2024: Deadline for faculty to apply for SLCE program funding
- April 15, 2024: Applicants notified of funding support by the IEL
- April 30, 2024: Deadline for funded applicants to complete Letter of Acceptance
- May 15, 2024: Awardees enrolled in appropriate CoP professional development programs with CSL/IEL
- Monthly: Funds transferred from the IEL to awardees' fiscal account for each funded semester
- Dependent on individual projects: Awardees hire student CEI and communicate CEI contact information to the IEL
Expectations of students in the CEI program
To successfully complete their CEI employment experience, students will:
- Attend an IEL orientation and/or networking session in the hiring semester to meet other CEI’s and learn more about SLCE on campus
- Attend at least one IEL in-person professional development workshop per semester employed in the program. A schedule with workshops offered will be provided before the fall and spring semesters by the IEL. (Faculty mentors will be required to allow CEI's to attend activities and complete required IEL during their paid work time)
- Demonstrate learning aligned with their CEI work at an approved event by the end of the 2025–2026 academic year (details to follow but may include an ePortfolio presented in the Engaged Learning Showcase and/or a presentation of learning at an in-person Engaged Learning public event)
- Complete a midterm performance evaluation conversation with their faculty mentor
- Complete an IEL year-end reflection and survey before ending their CEI position
Additional support available to SLCE faculty awardees
- Access to fast-track funding from the Jag Action Grant program to support further student involvement in community or civic engagement initiatives
- Priority access to future funding opportunities, including summer funding or additional CEI positions
- Support for professional development to strengthen skills and expansion of future SLCE work