Transformational Relationship Evaluation Scale (TRES)

Working in and with communities through community-academic partnerships is a central feature of service learning and community engagement (SLCE). However, how do we work effectively with diverse others? How do we leverage the knowledge, wisdom, and skills of all stakeholders? How do we learn to attend to and mitigate differences in power, authority, and commitments in SLCE?

The Transformational Relationship Evaluation Scale (TRES) (V1. and V.2) were developed to support both the study of effective community-university partnerships, as well as contribute to improving the practice of partnerships. Use the links below to learn more information.


Research, scholarship, and practice

  • Differentiating and assessing relationships in service learning and civic engagement: exploitive, transactional, and transformational  TRES I
  • Relationships and partnerships in community-campus engagement: evolving inquiry and practice   TRES II
  • Building our capacity for relational program planning in GSL: lessons from an institution  Community partner action research project