- Date:
- 11/1/2019 -
- 11/3/2019
- Time:
- 1:00 PM -
- 4:00 PM
- Address:
- 8111 Goldenrod Court Indianapolis, Indiana 46219 United States
- Summary:
- Old Bethel UMC provides hope to every hunger, in every heart. Help prepare coats for our annual distribution date! Help sort and bag coats in preparation for annual distribution. Volunteers are needed on Friday, 11/1 from 1-4pm and Sunday, 11/3 from 1-4pm. Please call or email Kristin Kraemer for directions to the storage location!
- Social Issues:
- Global and Peace Issues, Poverty
Contact Information
Kristin Kraemerkristinkraemer74@gmail.com
(317) 371-8223